



澳门正规网赌网址大全法典 & 条例, Code Section 3-2-6 (a) states that it shall be unlawful for any person to engage in the business 或者以承包人的身份行事, or advertise as available to engage in the business, 或者以承包人的身份行事, 没有事先取得 合格证书 被国家正式认证.

注意: If you intend on taking a local contractor examination after March 1, 2013, please be advised you will be tested under the 2010 Florida 建筑 Code. The testing company is unable to allow Charlotte County to test under the 2007 and 2010 code at the same time. If you have already taken the examination and did not receive a passing score, make sure you retest and pass the examination PRIOR TO March 1, 2013 or you WILL be tested under the 2010 code and will be required to obtain additional testing materials such as the 2010 Florida 建筑 Code.


To obtain a contractor license you are required to submit the following with your application:

  • 相关经验文件, see "Licenses Offered by Charlotte County" below for number of years required. Documentation is to be on letterhead stationery from the employer(s), 指明受雇的确切日期, 工作类型和职责, 并且必须公证.
  • If you are applying for a license under a fictitious name, provide a copy of the fictitious name recording that has been registered with the Secretary of State of Florida.
  • 如果公司是公司, provide a copy of Certificate of Incorporation, minutes indicating current officers names and titles and a Resolution of Authorization (this states that the applicant is authorized to apply for a license to qualify the corporation).
  • 如果是合伙, you will need to complete the Partnership Agreement Form.
  • 互惠函 are accepted from the county from which the exam was taken, 说明考试日期, 考试类型, and grade received (75% or higher is required). 互惠函 must include the number of years experience submitted by the applicant prior to taking the exam. Both trade and business, and law exams are required. The exam taken MUST be the same exam Charlotte County offers. 不允许换人.
  • 当前图片身份证明复印件 such as a driver’s license with current home address shown.
  • 信用报告 sent directly to this office from the credit bureau on your personal credit and your business credit must be provided. If you are applying to change the company name, you will need a credit report on the old company name also.
  • 申请费的支票 made out to the Charlotte County Board of 县委员会 (CCBCC) for the licensing period (see "Licenses Offered by Charlotte County" below for application fees). 请拨941.743.如果您对应付金额不确定的话. This fee is non-refundable after the application is reviewed.
  • 一张护照类型的照片 附在申请表上.
  • An original certificate of insurance on worker's compensation showing Charlotte County 建筑 as the certificate holder which indicates the insured's name, 公司名称及地址, 以及保单编号. 如果豁免, submit a copy of the approved worker's compensation exemption from the Department of Labor (State). Proof of insurance is not required until the application is approved. Certificate must be in the exact name of the business in which you are to qualify and must indicate that the qualifier is covered under the policy if this division is not also provided with a worker’s compensation exemption for the qualifier.
  • An original certificate of insurance stating general liability 限额为300美元,000人身伤害和50美元,000美元的财产损失或300美元,000 combined single limit liability (State Electrical Board limits are higher) showing Charlotte County 建筑 as the certificate holder which indicates the insured's name, 公司名称及地址, 以及保险单或活页夹编号. Proof of insurance is not required until the application is approved. Certificate must be in the exact name of the business in which you are to qualify.
  • Copy of current active state registration license 以下行业需要:一般, 建筑, 住宅承包商, 掌握电工, 主水管工, 空调(A),B,C), 机械, 游泳池(A),B,C), 屋面, 金属板, 地下公用事业, 或太阳能. If you do not currently hold a state registration for the above categories, once the license has been issued by the county, the applicant must register with the Department of 业务 & Professional Regulations and provide Charlotte County 建筑 with a copy of the state registered license prior to conducting business.


After approval and prior to the issuance of your certificate of competency, 你必须取得当地营业税收据. To obtain the Local 营业税 Receipt, please call 941.743.1350 or stop by the Tax Collector’s office in Room 241,默多克圆环18500号, Port Charlotte, FL. For additional information, visit their website at www.cctaxcol.com.

Reciprocal Local 营业税 receipts for State 注册ed or Certified Contractors are accepted.


** Exams are required for all licenses EXCEPT 作业现场清理 **

许可证名称 工作经验
声 & 绝缘 3年. $150.00
空调:A级(无限量) 4年. $200.00
空调:B类(尺寸限制) 4年. $200.00
铝/混凝土 4年. $200.00
沥青路面及涂料 3年. $150.00
乙级建筑 4年. $250.00
楼宇拆卸(非爆炸品) 4年. $150.00
——内阁 & 修剪
3年. $150.00
瓷砖,水磨石 & 大理石 3年. $150.00
混凝土/砌筑 3年. $150.00
具体的地方 & 完成 3年. $150.00
门/窗/车库门 3年. $150.00
干墙 3年. $150.00
电气:主 6年. $200.00
电气:熟练工人 4年. $50.00
栅栏 3年. $150.00
普通A类 4年. $300.00
玻璃 & 玻璃 3年. $150.00
年级,填补, & 清算 3年. $150.00
作业现场清理 3年. $150.00
Landscaping-Commercial 3年. $150.00
草坪灌溉 3年. $150.00
水工建筑物 3年. $150.00
机械 4年. $200.00
绘画 3年. $150.00
打桩 3年. $150.00
粉刷石膏, & Spraycrete 3年. $150.00
管道:主 6年. $200.00
管道:熟练工(不要求.) 4年. $50.00
住宅丙类 4年. $200.00
屋面 4年. $200.00
标志:Non-electrical 3年. $150.00
标志:电 3年. $150.00
钢结构 3年. $150.00
Swimming Pool/Spa: Water treatment and cleaning 3年. $150.00
游泳池/水疗中心:a类商业 4年. $200.00
游泳池/水疗中心:b类住宅 4年. $200.00
游泳池/水疗中心:c级维护./维修 4年. $200.00
地下公用事业 4年. $200.00


  • 报警系统I
  • 报警系统II
  • 构建移动/拆除/爆炸
  • 电梯安装
  • 火Extinguish-Dry
  • 消防喷水灭火系统
  • 灭火系统
  • 液化石油气
  • 流动房屋经销商 & 制造商
  • 流动房屋设置
  • 污染物存储
  • 化粪池(透过环境卫生署)
  • 太阳能系统
  • 专业(干墙、专业结构)


  • 水调节器安装员(无执照)
  • 钻井(由“SWFWMD”发出)


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